MIss Isabella Rainsong is now streaming! Click here to listen for free or purchase a signed CD!

All Aboard for This Magical Journey
The journey is much more magical when shared with a companion... don't you agree?
Singer / songwriter / performer Dr. Ross Martin has created a truly unique experience for audiences with his original musical, Miss Isabella Rainsong and Her Traveling Companion: A One-Guitar Show. Part play, part acoustic concert, this show is a vehicle for sharing intimate, profound, touching and funny Magical Moments.
Traveler, who looks more skallywag than sojourner, shares his story with the audience of how he was saved by a guitar and the music they create together while riding the rails across America.
Since the show's premiere in January 2018, Miss Isabella Rainsong and Her Traveling Companion has captivated hundreds of delighted audience members and has received very positive reviews. The show was selected for the 2nd Annual Florida Festival of New Musicals in 2018.
You will long remember the experience of sharing this journey with Miss Isabella Rainsong.